Sunday, February 22, 2009

We love Ralphie May!!!

Andreas and I went to see Ralphie May perform at the Moore Theatre last night. He was hilarious! His comedy show lasted over 2 hours! After the show, he was so gracious and signed autographs and took pics with EVERYONE who was waiting! If you get the chance to check out one of his shows.... do! We laughed until we cried!

Trip to Ohio

I flew to Ohio on the 11th of February. Mom has been pretty sick for the past few months and I needed to go to help her get better. We went to her doctor and also to the diabetic educator and dietician. I think over the few days I was there, she was getting better each day. I also got to see my new neice, Layla who was born in December. She is so tiny and cute. Just absolutely perfect! My other neice, Lia, is almost one and was on the verge of walking while I was there. She is "sooo big!" And loves to show her tricks to anyone who will watch! Here are some pics from the visit.

Adrienne, Lia and Layla

"Soooo BIG!"

Helping Aunt Sarah cook while she sits in her high chair.

Sleepy baby Lia


Adrienne and Layla

Whew! It's exhausting taking care of all these babies and mom and dad, too!

Layla had to try out the high chair at dinner time, and see..... she liked it!