Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas pics

Santa was good to the Goetsch Gang... even if the girls (and parents) weren't on their BEST behavior this year. Hope your Christmas was great, too.... BUT I am soooo glad it's over with for another year! Whew!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Favorites of Christmas '08

Some of my favorite things from Christmas this year are....

* Slippers and staying in jammies till waaay past noon!

* Guitar Hero.

* Watching the girls open presents in a frenzy!

* Talking to all my family on the phone and hearing what Santa brought.

* White snow on Christmas Day!

* Christmas dinner- ham, acorn squash, garlic mashed potatoes, veggies & dip, bacon wrapped scalops, shrimp tray, egg nog, wine, rolls.... you get the picture.

* My new Beyonce CD!

* Not having to go to work!!!

* Watching Abby brush Gracie's hair for her before we went in at Omi's house.

* Raspberry Almond M&Ms.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Newest Member of the Family

Layla Jane Krizan born 12/18/08 at 0946. She weighed in at 5lbs 6oz and 19 1/4 inches long! Tiniest little peanut born in this family for a long time!

I love this pic! It looks like she is looking at Adrienne and smiling!

And this one, too! She is paying close attention to what Grandpa says!

Welcome to this C R A Z Y family, Layla Jane!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowy December

Since we rarely get snow in Western Washington that last more that a few days, this early winter storm has been a lot of fun for the girls. School was cancelled the last 3 scheduled days of the year because the roads were so horrible. They don't have snow plows in WA, apparently!

Here are Abby and Grace all bundled up to go sledding.

Wave at mommy! Have fun, be safe!

This is our house with our Christmas lights and the snow.... Looks pretty festive, huh?

On Friday the 19th, we went sledding/skiing/snowboarding a Lydia Hawk Elementary School. Andreas used to go to school there..... waaaaay back in the day, and they have a great hill for sledding!
We saw this deer on the side of the road on our way to go sledding. Poor thing probably can't find any food!

Abby with all her gear ready to practice snowboarding!

Gracie sledding down the hill! This kid is fearless!

Abby and Grace.

The sun caught Gracie in the eyes!

This is me, trying to get a self portrait without looking like I'm "smelling something," as Mom would say!

Andreas is trying to teach Grace the basics of skiing before we take her skiing this year. Last year, she just wanted to drink cocoa in the lodge, forget about skiing or snowboarding! But, he got her to go down the hill doing the "snow plow" a few times at Lydia Hawks. She hasn't quite figured out how to stop yet!

Abby shredding on her snowboard! She hasn't forgotten how since last winter!

Even though we have been enjoying the snow, Andreas has not been able to work due to the road and weather conditions! I have been lucky enough to get to the hospital to work all of my shifts, though, and even a few extras! We are ready for a white Christmas at the Goetsch house! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, too!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Riggs Family Holiday Sweater Party

Last night we had a great time at Erin and Ashley's Holiday Sweater party! Here are just a few of the pics I took. For some reason, the more I drink, the more pics I take and I took like over 60 pics in the 3-4 hours we were there! Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas time with the Goetsch Gang

This year, we started looking for our tree at Andreas' co-worker, Blake's property. We didn't find the perfect tree, so we went to Eaton Creek Tree farm where we have found our tree for the past few years.

Here is Andreas loading it in the truck.

The next morning, the girls and I got all the Christmas decorations out and decorated the house and the tree.
This is our mini tree with the fiberoptic lights. It used to go in the girls room when they shared a room but now since they have their own rooms, to avoid a fight, we just put it up in the living room or dining room.

The stockings hung by the chimney with care (or the fireplace....)

Our house in the dark with the lights on. It's hard to tell, but this year we added the 8 foot blow up santa by the chimney on the roof. Thanks to Andreas for all his hard work on the lights for the house! I can't wait to see the electric bill in January!

More lights in the yard....
Merry Christmas to all. I'm sure I will post more pics from this Christmas season, stay tuned.