Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Charge Nurse

I'm convinced that no one reads my blog, since no one leaves me comments... except Erin, that is. Anyway, I am blogging about my night last night and my opportunity to be charge nurse at work. So, Monday I was off work. Spent the day with the girls doing laundry, etc. Work called in the afternoon and left a message that they were short a charge nurse on nights and could I come in and work a night shift and be charge nurse. I was excited at the chance to be in charge because I recently applied for one of the day shift charge positions and I was wondering to myself if that is really what I want to do, or if I could even do it. So, the night was really nice. In fact, it was DEAD in the ER. I think in 8 hours we only had 3 or 4 ambulances. I handled a little staffing issue, and helped the nurses as much as I could. I was relieved because after I agreed to work the shift and be in charge I was asking myself... what's the worst that could happen?... and then when I thought about it, there was a lot of really awful scenarios running through my head. Plus, I wasn't sure if I could stay awake till I got home at 8! All went well, I think (know) I can do a good job as charge, even if more challenging situations come up. I hope I get the opportunity to at least interview with the managers for the day shift charge postion. I didn't get to sleep much today with the girls being home, but it is almost their bed time and I will crash out, too!

Monday, July 21, 2008

McCord Air Expo

Saturday we went to the air show at McCord AFB. It was nice and warm, the planes were cool and the we had a great time! I got a little too much sun!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July F U N ! ! ! !

Some pics from our day at the Tacoma Freedom Fair in Old Town. We took the bus from the Tacoma Dome down to Old Town. There was a nice air show, good food, lots of people and the rain stayed away for most of the day! After we got home we had a nice dinner and spent time with our neighbors blowing up a bunch of fire works and drinking at their house! Glad the 4th of July only comes once a year!
(PS Thanks Erin for telling me how to do the collages!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tacoma Tall Ships

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This morning we set out from Zittel's Marina in Olympia to check out the Tall Ships coming into port in Tacoma. Here are a few of our pics of the many ships we saw. The weather was a little cool and rainy...c'mon it's July 3rd... where's summer?? After we started watching the ships come in and we sat in the boat, I started to get sea sick. The water was pretty choppy from ALL the boats in the bay looking at the Tall Ships. We took a little cruise north and saw the CGC Eagle, a really cool Coast Guard sailing vessel (Andreas' favorite)! Then we came back and saw more of the ships in the bay and I was really, really sick so we only stayed a bit longer and then headed back towards Olympia. My favorite was the HMS Bounty, it looks like a pirate ship and in fact was built for the movie "Mutiny on the Bounty" and also used in Pirates of the Carribbean II and Sponge Bob Square Pants! The girls had a great time, too! They are good crew members since their momma is a "land lubber!"